Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper pharetra. Vestibulum erat wisi, condimentum sed, commodo vitae, ornare sit amet, wisi. Aenean fermentum, elit eget tincidunt condimentum, eros ipsum rutrum orci, sagittis tempus lacus enim ac dui. Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna. Cras in mi at felis aliquet congue. Ut a est eget ligula molestie gravida. Curabitur massa. Donec eleifend, libero at sagittis mollis, tellus est malesuada tellus, at luctus turpis elit sit amet quam. Vivamus pretium ornare est.
☝️ Content
Base Typography
FAR funds, or contributes funds to, research programmes, often in collaboration with government funded organisations or Universities. Involvement in specific research programmes is driven by the interests of the New Zealand growers. Levy funds are also used to secure additional Government funding through programmes such as the Sustainable Farming Fund.
☝️ Intro - With Buttons
Page intro with buttons (as seen on home page)
FAR has three arable research sites which host a number of research trials and field days every year. The FAR arable research sites aim to provide visitors with a representation of FAR funded research at one-stop sites.
Should you wish to discuss any of the trials in more detail, or visit any of our research sites, please contact the FAR office to be put into contact with the relevant Project Manager.
☝️ Intro - With Buttons
Page intro variant with no buttons and smaller font-size (as seen on Research Sites)
☝️ Intro - With Buttons
Page intro variant with headline only (as seen on the Our Research page)
Ut elementum velit, dictum etiam. Dui viverra nisl, massa, volutpat etiam. Dui arcu aliquet senectus non, lobortis proin semper cras. Malesuada purus ut gravida odio ornare porttitor et. In laoreet morbi urna vel feugiat.
Ut elementum velit, dictum etiam. Dui viverra nisl, massa, volutpat etiam. Dui arcu aliquet senectus non, lobortis proin semper cras. Malesuada purus ut gravida odio ornare porttitor et. In laoreet morbi urna vel feugiat.
☝️ Intro - With List of Links
Page intro variant with list of links (as seen on the Cereal page)
FARs Environmental and Social Best Practice Strategy provides a framework for research, development and extension activities to help protect these essential resources and ensure the sectors future.
Arable farmers are the unsung heroes of the primary sector. Through the production of grain, seed and other crops, the industry is worth $2.1 billion dollars to the New Zealand economy.
Developed by FAR, ProductionWise provides crop record keeping and support tools to farmers and their advisers, to help promote efficiency, sustainability and profitability in modern farming enterprises.
☝️ Features With Icons
Grid of featured items with icons (as seen on the home page)
Aliquam sed diam, porttitor mi et malesuada nec fermentum et. Quis adipiscing enim faucibus auctor sed tortor facilisi aliquam magna.
Aliquam sed diam, porttitor mi et malesuada nec fermentum et. Quis adipiscing enim faucibus auctor sed tortor facilisi aliquam magna.
☝️ Features With Images
Grid of featured items with images (as seen on the home page)
☝️ Features With Images
Example with only one item (as seen on the Research Sites page)
The 2021-22 Spring sown wheat and barley cultivar evaluation book is out now. Look for it in your mailbox soon or read it online now.
Please complete the latest AIMI survey for October 10th, 2022: Wheat, Barley, Oats
The 2021-22 Spring sown wheat and barley cultivar evaluation book is out now. Look for it in your mailbox soon or read it online now.
Please complete the latest AIMI survey for October 10th, 2022: Wheat, Barley, Oats
The 2021-22 Spring sown wheat and barley cultivar evaluation book is out now. Look for it in your mailbox soon or read it online now.
The 2021-22 Spring sown wheat and barley cultivar evaluation book is out now. Look for it in your mailbox soon or read it online now.
The 2021-22 Spring sown wheat and barley cultivar evaluation book is out now. Look for it in your mailbox soon or read it online now.
The 2021-22 Spring sown wheat and barley cultivar evaluation book is out now. Look for it in your mailbox soon or read it online now.
☝️ Features In Slider
Grid of featured items in slider (as seen on the home page)
FAR has a busy schedule of research focused on maize production. In this episode of Cut the Crop, FAR researcher David Densley tells Alison Stewart that as well as being focused on building resilience to financial, climate and environmental changes, some of its future-focused research is the first of its type in New Zealand.
☝️ Podcast
Podcast item
Set in the heart of Mid Canterbury's cropping region just south of Rakaia, the Chertsey Arable Research Site is the focal point for FAR work in Mid Canterbury. In any given year, the 16 hectare site hosts a range of research trials on cereal and seed production, environmental practices, and long-term cultivation. Trials are conducted under dryland and irrigated conditions. Every year in December, FAR hosts either the ARIA field day or CROPS Annual Expo, to present on and demonstrate current research.
The Northern Crop Research Site (NCRS) at Tamahere, just outside Hamilton, hosts a number of maize, forage and other trials, including a long-term cultivation trial. The 26 hectare site provides a platform for research conducted in the Northern North Island.
Kowhai Farm sits on 15.5 hectares of Templeton silt loam soils and provides a platform for seed research in New Zealand. Its close proximity to Lincoln University, research organisations and seed companies is well suited for strengthening links with the Lincoln research community, as well as a showcase for testing new on-farm technology for sensing and capturing environmental data. At least 70% of the site has access to irrigation.
☝️ Map
List of sites (as seen on the Research Sites page)
☝️ Logo Grid
Not shown in designs, but several pages on the old site have a grid of logos
☝️ File Grid
List of files (as seen on the blog articles)