Two small populations of the tomato red spider mite (TRSM) were found in Auckland in May 2020. ...
Why, how, and what to expect? Click here to view the handout from our recent North Island field days....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Couldn't attend our CROPS 2020 field day? Click here to view the full booklet of presentation summaries....
It's all go for CROPS 2020 at Chertsey on Wednesday (2 December). This year the event doubles as FAR's 25th birthday celebration....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Bread, flour, pasta, breakfast cereal, beer, stock feed...they all come from ingredients grown on New Zealand arable farms....