Handout from FAR Field Day 21 September, 2021...
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Updated information on Herbicide Modes of Action groups in New Zealand....
FAR Focus 14, Nitrogen: the confidence to cut back outlines tools and techniques to help inform nitrogen application decisions....
This handout was prepared for FAR's August 2021 cereal and ryegrass discussions. It focuses on nitrogen use efficiency along with weed, pest and disease control....
The detection at the border of a very small number of velvetleaf seeds in imported radish seed is a timely reminder for all farmers growing seed crops from imported seed to monitor their crops for weeds....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Federated Farmers have provided the following excellent summary of how the North Island travel border will work, assuming that regions south of Auckland shift into Level 3 from 12.00am Wednesday 1 September. ...
Consultation on proposed changes to intensive winter grazing regulations started on Thursday, 26 August and will run for six weeks until Thursday, 7 October 2021....
Passionate about arable? Consider joining the FAR Board....