Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
All entries must be received by 5pm on Sunday 30 April 2023....
The FAR Nominations and Remunerations Committee (NRC) advises there are three vacancies on the FAR board, commencing 1 January 2023....
Looking for a Quick N Test to speed up fertiliser N decisions?...
If you're interested in catch crops for maize but couldn't get to the recent Pioneer led field days, check out the handout below....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Do you know your farm's greenhouse gas emissions number? Would you know how to work it out? Or how to use it?...
The fall armyworm (FAW) response is continuing with Biosecurity NZ urging grower to keep looking for this pest. Biosecurity NZ have also released a range of information sheets and brochures to help growers identify FAW and understand its potential impacts. See end of article below for links to these documents....