A Permitted Activity rule outlines conditions that must be met to operate without a consent. If your activity meets all of those conditions, you don’t need council authorisation, and are not required to notify us of the activity. By answering all of the questions below, you can determine whether intensive winter grazing would be a permitted activity on your farm, or whether you would need a resource consent....
Regulations around winter grazing on arable farms can be tricky to interpret, as they differ by crop and region. FAR staff, with help from Unitary Councils Aotearoa, have compiled answers for some frequently asked questions around IWG on arable farms. ...
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
In case you missed our latest spring field days check out the booklets here....
In case you missed our cocksfoot field day read the booklet here. ...
On-farm trials provide an economical way of comparing management options, on both a practical and economic level, without exposing yourself to needless risk. ...
The FAR Weather Platform has recently been upgraded with three new tools to help New Zealand arable farmers decide on the best times to irrigate, plant crops, and more....
The NZ Seeds Authority (NZSA) Executive has made the decision to delay the launch of the Seed Certification Information System (SCIS) for the harvest 2024 growing and harvest season....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand...
The team at FAR have discovered aphids in significant numbers in one of our barley trials at Chertsey...