Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
The latest Fall armyworm (FAW) update as of 15 December....
This AIMI survey of maize growers provides details of the 2023 New Zealand maize grain and silage harvest, along with sowing intentions for the coming year....
If you missed our recent field day check out the booklet here....
The latest Fall armyworm (FAW) update as of 8 December 2023. ...
If you missed our summer cereal and maize field day, check out the booklet here....
The first FAW find for the 2023/24 growing season has been confirmed in Northland. Three other moth captures at different locations require further analysis before confirmation....
Around 300 growers and industry reps turned out to catch up on all the latest research at FAR's ARIA event at the Chertsey Arable Site....
A number of information sheets and brochures are available to help understand and identify FAW and its natural enemies. ...
If you missed our recent pea field day at our Chertsey research site check out the booklet here....