FAR has developed further resources outlining a range of farm management systems that may be suitable for arable systems. ...
The Seed Certification Information System (SCIS) became the official system for the tracking and management of seed varietal certification processes for the 2024-25 harvest season this week (Tuesday 26th March)....
The board of Seed and Grain Readiness and Response (SGRR) has agreed to enact a Biosecurity Levy Order. Collection of this levy will formally start on April 1, 2024....
FAW has been found in two Canterbury sweetcorn paddocks. In all, there have been 108 confirmed reports from Northland, Westland, Tasman, Bay of Plenty, Auckland, Waikato, Marlborough, and now Canterbury, in the 2023/24 growing season. ...
In light of Regrow decision to discontinue ProductionWise, FAR has developed a list of potential alternative software options....
Access to ProductionWise® will cease on June 30 this year. This is the result of a decision by Regrow, the owners of ProductionWise®, to discontinue the platform....
Welcome to the autumn 2024 edition of From the Ground Up, read it here. ...
The 2023/24 growing season has 85 confirmed reports of fall armyworm. These have come from Northland, Westland, Tasman, Bay of Plenty, Auckland and Waikato....