Fall armyworm has been confirmed in North Canterbury sweetcorn this week....
Didn't make it to one of the Autumn Round Up meetings? You can read all the info here....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Ninety fall armyworm moths were found in Northland traps this week. The total number of fall armyworm finds this season is 133, up 5 from last week....
If you missed this week's Maize Pathfinder field day, you can read the booklet below....
Only one fall armyworm find has been reported this week, which could indicate that the spread is slowing down at this stage of the season....
Yellow bristle grass It is an extremely aggressive annual plant. Read the latest identification guide below....
If you missed this week’s maize cultivation, technology and agronomy field walk, you can read the full booklet below....
This sheet provides some basic advice on step by step decision making for growers affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. We will update this information as further resources become available....
The insecticide Sparta™ (spinetoram) has now been approved for aerial application for the control of fall armyworm....