The fall armyworm response will end in two weeks time, and instead go into Long Term Management. This will be an industry-led management transition....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Another 40 fall armyworm moths were found in Northland traps this week, bringing the three week total to 217. There is also concern fall armyworm could be found in crops other than maize, after being spotted on ryegrass and clover in a harvested maize crop. ...
MPI have updated the list of fact sheets for cyclone-affected farmers and growers in Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti. ...
Fall armyworm has been confirmed in North Canterbury sweetcorn this week....
Didn't make it to one of the Autumn Round Up meetings? You can read all the info here....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Ninety fall armyworm moths were found in Northland traps this week. The total number of fall armyworm finds this season is 133, up 5 from last week....
If you missed this week's Maize Pathfinder field day, you can read the booklet below....
Only one fall armyworm find has been reported this week, which could indicate that the spread is slowing down at this stage of the season....