In this issue of Crop Action: • Crop management tips: Slugs and grass grub, and Chertsey arable site update• Cereals: Aphid monitoring and do you need an insecticide?• Herbage: Closing of tall fescue and cocksfoot, weed control in white clover and OSR and grazing low aftermath-heading ryegrass seed crops• Weather: Long term weather outlook, FAR weather tool and soil moisture data...
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....
Crop Action keeps you up to date with arable crop development and actions right across New Zealand....