Welcome to the spring 2022 edition of From the Ground Up. This edition includes information on the new Maize trading protocol, freshwater farm plans, cereal endophytes and fall armyworm....
Since September 1 2022 there have been 100 confirmed fall armyworm finds....
There have been 93 confirmed fall armyworm finds. 12 of those were on the West Coast of the South Island in the past three weeks....
As at Friday 20 January, MPI has confirmed 76 finds since 1 September 2022 (up 20 from last week). Most of these have been larvae feeding in the crops....
Fall armyworm has been identified in South Island maize crops, taking the total number of finds since 1 September 2022 to 56....
There have been several new confirmations of fall armyworm added since the new year, taking the total finds to 45 since 1 September 2022. The new finds have all been in the north of the North Island....
There have been no new positive finds reported since last week through MPI and no new finds from monitor traps across the regions....
Maize and sweetcorn growers seeking control options for the highly damaging pest fall army worm, now have an on-label chemical option....
If you missed this week’s Waikato maize field day, you can read the full booklet below. ...
There are now 24 positive FAW detections since 1 September 2022 of a total 393 submissions. The spread of detection now ranges from Kaitaia down to Whanganui....