Fall armyworm has been confirmed in North Canterbury sweetcorn this week....
Ninety fall armyworm moths were found in Northland traps this week. The total number of fall armyworm finds this season is 133, up 5 from last week....
Black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) has become a serious grass weed in winter cereals in the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe where many populations have developed resistance to many of the grass weed herbicides used in winter cereals. Read the updated March 2023 guide below....
Only one fall armyworm find has been reported this week, which could indicate that the spread is slowing down at this stage of the season....
The insecticide Sparta™ (spinetoram) has now been approved for aerial application for the control of fall armyworm....
The insecticide Sparta™ (spinetoram) has now been approved for aerial application for the control of fall armyworm....
No moths have been found in Northland traps this week, however larvae of varying stages of development are present in maize crops. Fall armyworm has also been confirmed on a maize crop in Takaka. ...
Black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides) has become a serious grass weed in winter cereals in the United Kingdom (UK) and Europe where many populations have developed resistance to many of the grass weed herbicides used in winter cereals. Read the updated 2023 guide below....
Black grass is a serious pest weed in Europe and the UK, particularly because it is resistant to many herbicides, making it difficult to control. Black grass incursions have been identified in New Zealand several times in recent years. This Ute Guide outlines how to identify black grass and what to do if you think you have found it. ...
Growers are urged to continue scouting maize and sweet corn crops across New Zealand. Last week’s Otago find has been shown not to be fall armyworm, while in Northland, trap numbers suggest the emergence of a third generation of moths is imminent....